Ag Future focuses on the challenges and opportunities that exist within the agricultural sector. Join us as farmers, entrepreneurs and other agri-food industry leaders, both on and off the farm, discuss some of the most significant issues facing our planet and how they are working together for a better tomorrow.
Friday Jan 05, 2018
#040: Counting your chickens before they hatch – Dr. Peter Ferket
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Advancements in the poultry industry have allowed us to produce bigger chickens, but this solution for increased consumer demand poses another challenge: providing the nutritional requirement of rapidly-growing birds. Dr. Peter Ferket, professor of nutrition and biotechnology in the department of poultry science at North Carolina State University, says we can readily meet those nutritional needs, improve the welfare of animals, increase performance and improve meat quality. We can even set the stage for adaptability and immunity before the birds hatch. How? Through the use of genetic and nutritional technologies.